Data Governance & Compliance

DigiAtt’s Data Governance & Compliance services are designed to ensure that your organization’s data is managed, secured, and utilized in compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. We provide comprehensive solutions to help you navigate the complexities of data governance, including ISO data security compliance, GDPR, HIPAA, and other key regulations.

ISO Data Security Compliance

ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Achieving this certification demonstrates your organization’s commitment to data security and risk management. Our team assists you in implementing and maintaining an ISMS that meets the stringent requirements of ISO/IEC 27001. This includes risk assessment, policy development, implementation of security controls, and continuous monitoring.

Risk Management and Security Controls

We help you identify and assess potential risks to your data assets and implement appropriate security controls to mitigate these risks. This includes access control, encryption, network security, and incident management. Our approach ensures that your data is protected against unauthorized access, breaches, and other security threats.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

ISO/IEC 27001 requires continuous monitoring and improvement of the ISMS. We provide ongoing support to ensure that your security measures remain effective and up-to-date. This includes regular audits, risk assessments, and updates to security policies and procedures. Our goal is to help you maintain compliance and improve your data security posture continuously.

GDPR Compliance

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates that organizations conduct DPIAs for processing activities that are likely to result in high risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals. We assist you in conducting thorough DPIAs, identifying potential privacy risks, and implementing measures to mitigate these risks. Our experts ensure that your data processing activities comply with GDPR requirements.


Data Subject Rights

GDPR grants individuals various rights concerning their personal data, including the right to access, rectification, erasure, and data portability. We help you establish processes to handle data subject requests efficiently and in compliance with GDPR. This includes developing procedures for verifying identities, managing requests within the mandated timeframes, and maintaining records of these activities.

Data Breach Notification

GDPR requires organizations to notify relevant authorities and affected individuals in the event of a data breach. We help you develop and implement data breach response plans, ensuring that you can quickly identify, assess, and respond to data breaches. Our services include incident detection, containment, investigation, and communication with stakeholders.

HIPAA Compliance

Security Risk Analysis

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires covered entities and business associates to conduct regular security risk analyses. We assist you in performing comprehensive risk analyses to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats to protected health information (PHI). Our assessments cover physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure comprehensive protection.

HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA Privacy Rule sets national standards for the protection of PHI. We help you develop and implement privacy policies and procedures that comply with HIPAA requirements. This includes training your workforce on privacy practices, managing patient consent and authorization, and ensuring the confidentiality of PHI in all forms.

HIPAA Security Rule

The HIPAA Security Rule outlines standards for protecting electronic PHI (ePHI). Our services include implementing security measures such as encryption, access controls, and audit controls to safeguard ePHI. We also assist you in developing and maintaining documentation of your security policies and procedures, as required by HIPAA.

Comprehensive Data Governance

Data Classification and Management

Effective data governance begins with proper data classification and management. We help you classify your data based on its sensitivity and value, ensuring that appropriate security measures are applied. Our data management services include developing data retention and disposal policies, maintaining data quality, and ensuring data integrity.

Policy Development and Enforcement

We assist you in developing comprehensive data governance policies that align with regulatory requirements and industry best practices. This includes policies for data security, privacy, access control, and data sharing. We also provide tools and processes to enforce these policies, ensuring consistent compliance across your organization.

Audits and Assessments

Regular audits and assessments are essential to maintaining compliance and identifying areas for improvement. We conduct internal audits and compliance assessments to ensure that your data governance practices meet regulatory standards. Our reports provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance your data protection measures.

With DigiAtt’s Data Governance & Compliance services, you can confidently manage your data in accordance with the highest standards of security and regulatory compliance. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your organization is well-prepared to handle the complexities of data protection and mitigate risks effectively.

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